Lead the AI, rule the world!

 Lead the AI, rule the world!

Here are some fascinating information about Artificial intelligence and why it is so important for modern world.

In 2017, while speaking to the students, Russian President Vladimir Putin Predicted  that the country that led in technologies using artificial intelligence in 2030, will dominate the globe in 2100. His predictions about Artificial intelligence and its vast effects on a globe are seems to be true. Our day-to-day life is deeply connected (or depends!)  with the AI related technology, and according to the experts,  the involvement (or encroachment?) Of this  technology in human lives will keep rising in a dramatic manner in near future.  In this blog, we will discuss about Artificial intelligence, its involvement in various fields and what experts says about it.

What is AI ?

If you have interest in science and technology related topics, then you may have heard this term (AI) many times. AI stands for Artificial intelligence.  Artificial means objects, materials, or processes which do not occur naturally and are created by human beings. On the other hand,  Intelligence means capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity. So basically we can say that AI is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn. The term ‘Artificial intelligence’ first used by John McCarthy in 1955. 

But how is it possible for a computer program to think and learn like human beings? How does it works?

AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, repetitive processing and algorithms. It allows the computer software to learn from patterns or features in the data by it self. AI is a vast field of study that includes many theories, methods and technologies. 

AI in your daily life 

The use of AI in our daily life is increasing day by day with a rapid speed. In fact AI already contributes a lot in our life to make it easier and convenient. From shopping to our education; from entertainment to Automobile; AI has made its place in every field.

Just think about it…

While doing research for school projects or college assignments, todays generation students are heavily dependent on internet. Every search engine like google uses AI technology for analyzing your search activities in order to give you best result. Also When you begin typing a search term and Google makes recommendations for you to choose from, that’s AI in act. Popular social media Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram uses the same thing to provide suitable content & advertisement to its users. While cooking we often watch the recipe videos on YouTube. While travelling we can get accurate real time traffic maps in our mobile phone for navigation  trough GPS system which is also impossible without AI tech. In space Technology AI is playing a major role in research and outer space explorations. Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa are the best example of how AI is becoming the part of our daily routine. These are the digital assistants that help users perform various tasks, from checking their schedules and searching for something on the web, to sending commands to another app. These type of digital assistants will become the new norm in near future. AI is an important part of how these apps work because they learn from every single user interaction. we can assume that our life will be so hard to live without all of these gadgets that of course are based on AI technology.

4 sectors in which AI will bring a revolution. 

In upcoming years AI will deeply impact and change 4 fields including military and defense, Transportation, medical health care and large scale manufacturing. These fields will undergo large changes and it will surely affect the people associated with it.. According to a report from the World Economic Forum, 85 million jobs will be replaced by machines with AI by the year 2025. Lets discuss the possible changes in these fields.

future military warfare and defense

War is the worst nightmare for mankind. Every country makes sure to have a well equipped military either to make dominance in geopolitics or to simply defend themselves from attackers. The first revolution in Warfare was the invention of gun powder by the Chinese. The second was the invention of nuclear weapons by the United States.  AI based weapons will be the third revolution. AI is emerging as the base technology for the military systems, where the future intelligent weapons and systems are envisaged to transform the military operations. Intelligent systems are being developed for every possible military field, which include combat, ISR, logistics, transportation, administration, training, etc. Some of these like lethal autonomous weapon systems have raised worries and controversies too. AI, nevertheless, is set to transform and reshape warfare in the near future.

Missile system which can destroy the target from a distant point, drones which can be used for surveillance and spying or to attack the enemy with more accuracy, high tech military robots which can be used for risky operations instead of human soldiers; all of these AI based autonomous weapons offer many operational advantages. They don’t need to be fed or paid. They will fight 24/7. They will have super-human accuracy and reflexes. They will not need evacuating from the battlefield. They will obey every order to the letter. They will not commit atrocities or violate international humanitarian law. They would be perfect soldiers, sailors and pilots. 


Fast and easy Transportation plays a major role in the development of a nation. AI can be use to make transportation faster, more efficient, more reliable, and safer. Self driving autonomous vehicles, flying cars, super fast long distance travel, space tourism; all of these futuristic technologies which were considered to be just science-fiction are going to be reality now. 

You may have heard about Elon musk and his company TESLA MOTORS. This big company is well known for their self driving (autonomous) cars. If this concept becomes reality, then soon there will be cars which are actually  driverless! Isn't it amazing? If a AI system drives a vehicle then there will be a low chances of accidents as human mistakes while driving (such as high speeding, drunk and drive, breaking traffic rules) won't happen. 

The use of AI in transportation can avoid traffic congestion and while doing so it can also prevent the excessive fuel consumption. In this way we can make transportation way more economical.

Medical health care

Do you know? From a console in St Joseph’s Hospital in Hamilton, Canada, Dr. Mehran Anvari controls a robot surgeon in an entirely different part of the country, slicing, stitching and removing bits of the body. He’s carried out more than 20 operations so far, including colon operations and hernia repairs. Isn't it amazing? if this type of surgeries becomes usual in near future, a lot of time, money and lives can be saved; this application of AI can be considered as the best thing ever happened to mankind. There are some more applications of AI in medical health care. AI programs are applied to practices such as diagnosis processes, treatment protocol development, drug development, personalized medicine, and patient monitoring and care. Al algorithms can also be used to analyze large amounts of data through electronic health records for disease prevention and diagnosis.

A past Research suggests that with deployment of Al in healthcare, home visits of medical practitioners reduced by more then 20% and long-term completion of treatment by patients increased by More then 90%. Al driven systems constantly monitor and analyze warning signs alerting both, patients and professionals before healthcare is needed. 


In many Industries like gaming, banking, retail, commercial, and government, etc. AI is used on a large scale and is slowly impending in the manufacturing sector, facilitating the industrial Automation. AI-driven machines are laying an easier path to the future by yielding a bunch of benefits – offering new opportunities, enhancing production efficiencies, and bringing machine interaction closer to human interaction. AI facilitates to conquer many challenges the industry: from expertise shortage to complexity in decision making, issues related to integration, and overloaded information. Making use of AI in manufacturing plants enables businesses to completely transform their proceedings.

What famous people thinks of AI 

Artificial intelligence has its own positive and negative effects on our society. Many people are either in support of this technology or they openly criticize this. But by Checking the views of some well-known  personalities and researchers of this field, we can do a better  analysis. Here we have picked up some quotes of most influential  personalities in the world at present.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking is a well known physicist, cosmologist and author of one of the best selling science-books of all time. He was very concerned about how rapid development in AI can surpass human race and eventually end it.

In 2014, he said that, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded."

Elon Musk

Elon musk. The richest man on earth right now who owns big tech companies like Tesla motors and Space-x, shares very pessimistic views on AI. He considers AI as a big threat to mankind; 

"I think the danger of Al is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads by a lot, and nobody would suggest we allow the world to just build nuclear warheads if they want, that would be insane. And mark my words: Al is far more dangerous than nukes." – Elon Musk. 

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, The co-founder and CEO of world's Largest social media website ‘Facebook’, shares very positive views about AI. He said that “I have pretty strong opinions on this (AI). I am optimistic.” He later adds, "In the next 5 to 10 years, AI is going to deliver so many improvements in the quality of our lives." 

Zuckerberg says artificial intelligence is already helping diagnose diseases, for example. He also points to self-driving cars as a way that artificial intelligence will improve our lives. "One of the top causes of death for people is car accidents still and if you can eliminate that with AI, that is going to be just a dramatic improvement."

‘AI’ is the technology which can change the world we live in. Also it has the potential to do a lot of good for humanity, But it can only be possible if we use it in that way. Just like nuclear energy, AI can also be promising and dangerous at a same time. Its depends upon how we use it. 

From this analysis, we can clearly say now, that, whoever lead the AI in future  will rule the world!


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